These chemical products are for research and development use only. They are not for diagnostic, therapeutic, cosmetic, or human and animal uses. They are not sold to individuals.


Vigabatrin is a medication used to treat epilepsy. It became available as a generic medication in 2019. It works by inhibiting the breakdown of γ-aminobutyric acid. It is also known as γ-vinyl-GABA, and is a structural analogue of GABA, but does not bind to GABA receptors.

Vigabatrin Impurities

Vigabatrin EP Impurity D
Impurity chemical structure
CAT Number CHR-9122018-3640
CAS Number 56-12-2
Mol.F C4H9NO2
Mol.Wt 103.120 g/mol
Inventory status In-Stock