These chemical products are for research and development use only. They are not for diagnostic, therapeutic, cosmetic, or human and animal uses. They are not sold to individuals.


Atomoxetine is used as part of a total treatment program to increase the ability to pay attention and decrease impulsiveness and hyperactivity in children and adults with ADHD. Atomoxetine is in a class of medications called selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors.

Atomoxetine Impurities

Atomoxetine EP Impurity E
CAT Number CHR-9122018-4583
CAS Number 17199-29-0
Mol.F C8H8O3
Mol.Wt 152.147 g/mol
Inventory status In-Stock
Atomoxetine EP Impurity H
CAT Number CHR-9122018-4142
CAS Number 42142-52-9
Mol.F C10H15NO
Mol.Wt 165.232 g/mol
Inventory status In-Stock