These chemical products are for research and development use only. They are not for diagnostic, therapeutic, cosmetic, or human and animal uses. They are not sold to individuals.


Bupivacaine injection is used to numb an area of your body during or after surgery or other procedures, childbirth, or dental work. This medicine is also used to numb your shoulder after surgery for up to 72 hours. It is a local anesthetic.

Bupivacaine Impurities

Bupivacaine EP Impurity B
CAT Number CHR-9122018-3937
CAS Number 15883-20-2
Mol.F C14H20N2O
Mol.Wt 232.321 g/mol
Inventory status In-Stock
Bupivacaine EP Impurity F
CAT Number CHR-9122018-4104
CAS Number 87-62-7
Mol.F C14H13N3O3
Mol.Wt 271.271 g/mol
Inventory status In-Stock