These chemical products are for research and development use only. They are not for diagnostic, therapeutic, cosmetic, or human and animal uses. They are not sold to individuals.


Sevoflurane is a volatile anesthetic that provides hypnosis, amnesia, analgesia, akinesia, and autonomic blockade during surgical and procedural interventions.[1][2] Clinical Uses. Inhalational induction of general anesthesia in neonatal and pediatric patients secondary to inadequate pre-induction intravenous access.

Sevoflurane Impurities

Sevoflurane EP Impurity C
Impurity chemical structure
CAT Number CHR-9122018-4109
CAS Number 920-66-1
Mol.F C9H7F3O2
Mol.Wt 204.146 g/mol
Inventory status In-Stock